Announcement 16.09.2024
As we have watched humanity be attacked on every level, a number of telling documentaries, talks and clips were delivered.
These captured the plight of those who have been impacted tremendously by so called elected Global Governments, Medical Agencies and The Statutory System.
Just a few pieces of evidence are presented here that are relevant to the reason behind our next moves.
These UK Agencies have been Corporates, Banks, Big Pharmaceutical, UK Government Approved, MHRA endorsed, NHS managed so called Safe & Effective Vaccines, these are now confirmed Biological Chemical Weapons.
This with a combined Parasitic Nano Antenna Technology to track trace and monitor your every move has broken every boundary we thought was sacrosanct. This is asymmetrical warfare. 5th generation warfare.
When 5G is switched on and used as origibnally designed, this could end your life if the immediate toxic jab concoction failed to do so. Dr Rashid Ali Buttar paid with his life getting this information out. Many have died, the objective was to reduce the numbers and control those who remained.
Reference Points - You Are Not Alone - Community Is Being Re-Invented.
For Confirmation that the marketed Vaccines are NOT Safe & Effective we recommend the following documentaries.
Died Suddenly
Safe & Effective - The Shadow - Now Health Secretary - Wes Sterling MP
Safe & Effective The Documentary
La Quinta Columna Report - Here is what really is in the vaccines
Bombshell Documentation Clips - 1
Bombshell Documentation Clips - 2 - 5G MARBURG - The Jab Connection
Bombshell Documentation Clips - 3 Andrew Bridgen - MP
Bombshell Documentation Clips - 4 Mark Sexton - Ex Police Constable Retired.
Mark Sextons statement 18 Jan 2023. The MP's, Sir Graham Brady, and Nadhim Zahawi (vaccine minister) police and IPCO knew in 2021 that the vaccines were harming and killing people.
They were given evidence from top experts in the world and they did NOTHING.
Mark fully backs the statements of Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra and MP Andrew Bridgen. PLEASE SHARE
Bombshell Documentation Clips - 5 - Geza v Matt Hancock - The Tube Sketch.
Reference Web Sites
Business Solutions
Earth Healing - Reverend Bob Murphy.
Reverend Bob Murphy has received the following script over time in his work as a practicing medium. The words can be altered to suit your personal faith or beliefs.
As time goes on and we learn more about our true potential in this human experience, the words and impact of sharing these words with others will become clearer.
Select a wooded place close to water, a stream or lake for maximum impact.
Thanks to Bob for sharing
Note: If you are doing this in a group ask them to bring their attention to their breathing to focus initially.
Then say:
"You are now on a path in a park leading into a forest. As you enter the forest
look among the trees until you see a tree that attracts you. Walk up to the tree, place your arms around it.
Become one with the tree.
Allow your feet to become one with the roots, feel your feet digging deep into the earth.
Ask them to repeat after you.
Universal Love We Invite You In.
Mother, Father, God We Invite You In
Ascended Masters We Invite You In
Spirit Guides & Angels We Invite You In
Jesus We Invite You In
Mary We Invite You In
Spirit of The Native American Indians We Invite You In
Spirit of The Shamen We Invite You In
Now ask they just listen and really feel their energy flow from the top of the head all the way down through to their feet.
Ask them now to just listen.
Universal love we ask you now to join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healingdeep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet so as each person drinks it they will receive your love peace and healing.
Mother Father God, we ask now that you join usand send love peace and healingdown through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet so that each person that drinks it will receive your love peace and healing.
Ascended masters we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet so as each person that drinks it will receive your love peace and healing.
Spirit guides, Angels and Arch Angels, Earth Angels.
We call upon all the angels from all the realms and askthat you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing, deep into the centre of the earth and to all the water on the planet, so as each person that drinks it receives your love, peace and healing.
Jesus son of man, we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on Earth so that each person that drinks it they receive your love peace and healing.
Mary Mother of Jesus, Mother of the Earth we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on the planet so as each each person drinks it they will receive your love peace and healing.
Spirit of the Native American Indians. We call upon you now and ask you send your love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to the 4 elements of the Earth, Wind Fire Air & Water.
Spirits of the Shamen medicine men, we ask now that you join us and send love peace and healing down through our body, out through our feetand deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on the planet so as each person that drinks it receives your love peace and healing.
Now we call upon the spirit of our dear departed parents, children, animals and all who know us.
Our guides, helpers and gatekeepers.
We ask now that you send your love peace and healing down through our body out through our feet and deep into the centre of the Earth.
Send love peace and healing deep into the centre of the Earth and to all the water on our planet
So as each person that drinks it will receive your love peace and healing.
And so be it. Amen

The Matrix (1999) Official Trailer
The Matrix (2024) Remove Your Consent
Stop Feeding The
© 2020 - Date by Project Elephant