NOTICE - Preamble
"This Notice is for the attention of the named recipient only, their successor or the organisation Principal, you are required in your role as a public servant, to ensure the named recipient or your organisations Principal receives this without delay. As a courtesy the recipient has been identified as having decision making authority along with vicarious liability for their organisation, they have also made a solemn Oath of public office, which may be used to hold them to account under Law should any eventualities arise with their response that deviates from addressing the issues raised within this lawful document, whether through Malfeasance, Misfeasance or Nonfeasance.
As a further courtesy we will draw your attention on the behalf of the named recipient of the Maxim in law: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Whilst opening someone else’s mail is allowed in certain circumstances, should any dispute arise over the recipient disputing receipt of this Notice the material facts are clearly indisputable. Your own conduct may also be viewed as criminal, as although you may
Presentation To Chief Constables: 20th October 2020 - 2pm - Local Witnesses - Primary Contact - Secondary - Video
Docusign best viewed on Laptop or PC size screen. With Thanks - We The People - Project Elephant
have responsibility for opening the recipients correspondence on a day to day basis in your job role, therefore establishing “reasonable excuse”, the wrong decision may be seen as “intending to act to the recipient’s detriment” and lead to prosecutions against those responsible.
Please do us the courtesy of reading this “NOTICE OF YOUR LAWFUL DUTY TO UPHOLD THE RULE OF LAW” in its entirety. We are Sovereign constitutional subjects of the Realm of England & children of the Almighty, who are very, very concerned with what is happening to our country and that the Police Services are no longer serving the British people under the rule of law. This is a very dangerous situation indeed."
FAO: Chief Constables By Region - Address
Email: PDF Copies emailed to Confirmed Named:
Chief Constables Under Oath of Office:
Avon and Somerset Headquarters PO Box 37 Valley Road Portishead Bristol BS20 8QJ
Bedfordshire Police Headquarters Woburn Road Kempston, Bedford MK439AX
British Transport Police HQ 25 Camden Road London NW1 9LN
Cambridgeshire Constabulary Headquarters Hinchingbrooke Park Huntingdon PE296NP
Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters Clemonds Hey Oakmere Road Winsford Cheshire CW72UA
City of London Police Headquarters PO Box 36451 182 Bishopsgate London EC2M4WN
Civil Nuclear Constabulary Head Executive Office and Legal Services, F6 Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB
Cleveland Police HQ P.O. Box 70 Ladgate Lane Middlesbrough TS8 9EH
Cumbria Constabulary Headquarters Carleton Hall Penrith Cumbria CA10 2AU
Derbyshire Constabulary Butterley Hall Ripley Derbyshire DE5 3RS
Devon and Cornwall Middlemoor HQ Exeter EX2 7HQ
Dorset Police Headquarters Winfrith Dorchester DT2 8DZ
Durham Constabulary HQ Aykley Heads Durham DH1 5TT
Dyfed-Powys Police Headquarters Po Box 99 Llangunnor Carmarthen SA31 2PF
Essex Police PO Box 2 HQ Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6DA
Gloucestershire Constabulary Holland House Lansdown Rd Cheltenham GL51 6QH
Greater Manchester Police Headquarters, PO Box 22 (S West PDO), 8th Floor, Chester House,
Boyer Street, Manchester. M16 0RE
Gwent Police Headquarters Croesyceiliog, Cwmbran NP44 2XJ
Hampshire Constabulary West Hill Winchester Hampshire SO22 5DB
Hertfordshire Constabulary Headquarters Stanborough Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 6XF
Humberside Police Headquarters, Priory Road Police Station, Priory Road, Kingston Upon Hull, HU5 5SF
Kent Police Headquarters Sutton Road Maidstone ME15 9BZ
Lancashire Constabulary Headquarters Hutton Preston PR4 5SB
Leicestershire Constabulary Headquarters St John’s Enderby Leicester LE19 2BX
Lincolnshire Police PO Box 999 Lincoln LN5 7PH
Merseyside Police Malvern House, 13 Green Lane, Tuebrook, Liverpool L13 7DT
Metropolitan Police Service New Scotland Yard, Victoria Embankment, Westminster, London, SW1A 2JL
Ministry of Defence Police MDPHQ Wethersfield CM7 4AZ
Norfolk Constabulary Operations & Communications Centre, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase,
Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0WW
North Wales Police Headquarters Glan-y-Don Colwyn Bay Conwy LL29 8AW
North Yorkshire Police Alverton Court, Crosby Rd, Northallerton DL6 1BF
Northamptonshire Police Wootton Hall Park, Northampton NN4 0JQ
Northumbria Police Headquarters Ponteland Newcastle Upon Tyne NE20 0BL
Nottinghamshire Police Sherwood Lodge, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, NG5 8PP
South Wales Police Headquarters Cowbridge Road Bridgend CF38 3SU
South Yorkshire Police 321 The Common, Ecclesfield, Sheffield S35 9WL
Staffordshire Police Weston Rd, Stafford ST18 0YY
Suffolk Constabulary Headquarters Portal Avenue Martlesham Heath Ipswich IP5 3QS
Surrey Police Mount Browne Sandy Lane Guildford Surrey GU3 1HG
Sussex Police Sussex Police Headquarters, Church Ln, Lewes BN7 2DZ
Thames Valley Police Headquarters Kidlington Oxon OX5 2NX
Warwickshire Police Leek Wootton, Warwick CV35 7QA
West Mercia Police Hindlip, Worcester WR3 8SP
West Midlands Police New St, Hill Top, West Bromwich B70 0HN
West Yorkshire Police 6 Laburnum Rd, Wakefield WF1 3QP
Wiltshire Police London Rd, Devizes SN10 2DN

The Signing of Magna Carta
15th June 1215
The Royal Charter of Rights
Date: 16/10/20.
To: United Kingdom, Police Chief Constables, Police Constables - under Oath of Office.
Part 1 of 2: THE NOTICE.
Please read the following 'Notice' thoroughly and carefully. It is a NOTICE, a LAWFUL DOCUMENT and EVIDENCE. It informs you. It means what it says. The information herein is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE and requires your IMMEDIATE and URGENT ATTENTION.
Please be aware that failure to act IMMEDIATELY upon the evidence contained within this LAWFUL NOTICE in accordance with English Constitutional law, contravenes the lawful duty of any public servant within or without the realm of the English Isles and Commonwealth and, is an OFFENCE under various current constitutionally arranged treason legislation of the realm, the 1571 Treason Act for example (see exhibit D).
It is an offence at common law for any man or woman who knows that treason is being planned or committed not to report the same as soon as he/she can to a justice of the peace (misprision of treason); it is also an OFFENCE at Common law for any police constable, of whatever rank, to not investigate the clear evidence of crime(s) (HIGH TREASON) contained within this document, especially since Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was lawfully invoked according to the correct protocols of English constitutional law on the 23rd March 2001, invoked because of the treason committed within the treaty of Nice (see exhibit B and C). To even deny Article 61's invocation would be an act of sedition at common law and contravene the 1571 Treason act (see exhibit D).
BE WARNED - Ignorance is NO DEFENCE in law. If current serving police constables will not defend the sovereignty of the people of the realm, whilst continuing to serve treasonous usurping forces, then it leaves no option but for the people to police and defend the realm themselves, as demanded by said Article 61, which provides each and every one of us leave to do so “in any other way they can”. For without National Sovereignty we become a nation of slaves to a usurping force i.e, the United Nations (see exhibit B).
The traitor Prime Minister Harold Wilson, back in the 1950's stopped universities from teaching constitutional law (common law) as part of this treasonous plot. Since that time no police constable, nor members of the judiciary, or those who practice law have been taught the correct laws of the realm, they have instead been taught that rules created by a treasonous parliament are law and, that legalese is the language of law. They are also told that parliament is sovereign and that parliament can create whatever laws it likes without any accountability to the people or the law of the land, which is clearly and evidently NOT THE CASE within a system of service under constitutional law. Ask yourself, how can an institution (parliament) which was created as a service to the people be sovereign over them....obviously it cannot!
Under constitutional law, the sovereign people of the realm including the commonwealth, are governed by the laws and principles developed and passed on from previous generations and widely accepted as the law of the land. ALL public servants are in service to the people by sworn Oath of Office to a constitutional monarch, whom in turn is also in service to the people by sworn Oath (Coronation Oath). [These facts are not difficult to discern, as these facts are clearly evidenced within the public domain and easily accessible with just a little investigation.]
The principles of law are simple because they should be natural to us all....to cause no harm, no loss, and to remain peaceful, whilst also honouring any agreements made with others is all that is demanded by law, we are free to do anything that does not contravene these four basic principles.
The English Constitution was usurped by those seeking to overthrow the sovereignty of the people of this realm as far back as 1686 after James II was allowed to take the throne despite owing allegiance to the Pope as a Catholic. This contravened the 1559 Act of Supremacy created by Elizabeth I, who reasserted the Christian protestant religion within the realm after her sister Mary I died, and made it so that any future monarch must be of the protestant religion in order to preserve the faith and the common laws and customs of the people. This was necessary after the Roman Catholic Church had yet again sought to overthrow the English monarchy via Mary I (bloody Mary) who was a papist sympathiser. In 1554 - four months after Mary's accession, Parliament meets to re-establish Catholicism in England - The persecution of Protestants begins, the heresy laws are revived and England is reconciled to Papal authority (= High Treason).
Since 1686 all Acts of parliament created have not been granted royal assent by a constitutionally arranged monarch, therefore they cannot be laws at all, they are no more than rules of a treasonous administration. The 1688 Coronation Oath Act (the first time said Oath was created as an Act of Parliament) clearly promises that the monarch will abide by the statutes in parliament instead of the laws and customs of the people. This Act serves as evidence of treason committed by the English parliament at the time. The 1688/9 Bill of Rights also usurped the obligations of a constitutional monarch, who is obliged to independently grant or withhold royal assent to government Bills in accordance with the laws and customs of the people.
Since we the people are lawfully obliged to compel you to act according to the truth (evidenced facts) without fear nor favour and, that you have a sworn Oath of Office and duty of care to respond to this Notice, and to investigate the allegations of treason contained herein. We also recognize the difficult position that certain individuals find themselves in when the truth is realized, especially those of you serving within the office of constable.
For it is the police who are called upon to uphold law and order and apprehend those guilty of criminality.
Yet this altogether alien landscape in 2020 makes it impossible for the police to carry out duties to the best of their ability – due to a conflict of interest between gainful employment and upholding truth and the spirit of the law. Such is untenable, as it sets police against the interests of the people, since police are being effectively strong-armed to become henchmen of the state.
It is not sustainable that a few corporations and government both enforce policies that purport to deny human rights and seek to coerce the common man by creating and applying overreaching ‘rules’ restricting the same man’s ability to lawfully and freely go about his daily business..
And so, we appeal to you as fellow living, sovereign beings, rather than as faceless agents, concerned merely with upholding a system not fit for purpose, or that is even remotely humane. We are calling everybody (including large corporations) back to their core humanity.
The current system in the west is imploding. We believe that good and honourable police men and women see and experience this too. The good and honourable people of these lands seek solidarity with you.
We see now the long term consequences for the whole planet of the conflict of interest between democratic governance and private interests having been allowed to go unchecked. The problem we face in common is that the current legalese complexity reflects an obfuscation of simplicity (of basic common law) – an obfuscation which in reality supports the private interests (primarily economic) of those with legislative power.
In essence, we consider that a complex, contemporary society is still optimally governable by simple principles. These MUST be at the heart of any system, in order to prevent the unwieldy structures (which current legalese systems exploit via ‘professionals’ trained and skilled in obfuscations) providing a haven for parasites, who seek to extract personal resources illicitly from the commons (which all citizens contribute to and participate within – including our whole police force, once they remove their uniforms at the end of their working day, the Police participating within our shared humanity, and dependence upon the functional commons). Our common interest stands in direct contrast to those interests being served without restraint, of predatory mega-corporations, oligarchs and governments across the world, which are systematically decimating the small business lifeblood of the average self-employed individual, or the employees (including police who are not corrupt servants of the agenda) who supply their vital human labour to make society work for all.
We, the people awakened to our own sovereignty, are the largest force within the realm and are growing in number by the day. We seek a common sense, peaceful remedy by asking for your help in returning the judiciary to the rule of law, and reasserting courts of law so that justice can be seen to be done. There may come a time where you will have a choice to make, either to defend the criminally established administration or to protect and serve the people, we urge you to make the correct choice.
Moving on to more recent treasonous events:
On 12 June 1941, imposter representatives of the English Isles, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, along with other nations met in London and signed the Declaration of St. James' Palace. This was the first of six conferences that led up to the founding of the United Nations and the Charter of the United Nations. The United Nations were the driving force behind the creation of the European Union and are today seeking to become the world authority, which is why all sovereignty is being covertly and overtly destroyed globally.
The evidence contained within the book created by the United Nations after the Earth Summit took place in 1992 " Earth Summit Agenda 21" reveals the true intention of the United Nations agenda. All English councils today have a sustainable development mandate.
A long range deception strategy to create a single Federal European state with the erosion of each nation's sovereignty, currency and the powers to determine its own laws and affairs, was finalised by the Geo-political centre of the third Reich in Berlin 1942. This was done with the effect that should the Nazis lose the war, militarily, they should continue their plans for a European dictatorship economically, through corporatism (aka fascism), and political subversion. Their future shape of Europe is detailed in the seminars entitled 'Europaische wirtschaftsgemeinschaft' (public document worldcat. OCLC number 31002821). Translated into English as 'European Economic Community'. The chapter headings of this Nazi document were replicated almost verbatim in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty.
Since the end of the Second World War diverse treasonous persons, groups and movements with this ideology, have conspired to build on this agenda which has become known as the European Union.
The involvement of the English Isles in this agenda began in 1948 with the formation of the European movement. This was a state funded Anglo-French pro-federal European lobbying body posing as a non-governmental grass-roots pressure group.
The first move toward a federal Europe did not involve England directly; it was the signing of the treaty of Rome in 1957 by Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Meticulous research has uncovered a wealth of official, archived documents from the period 1970-72 which shows the blatant deceit perpetrated by the (so called) 'ruling elite' at the time. These documents have been released after the thirty year rule, which unlawfully hid them from the public. The Evidence file FCO 30/1048 has been within the public domain since 2002 and is easily accessible on line. We strongly advise that you employ due diligence and investigate the evidence within said file.
The English common law applies to all sovereign living breathing men and women and dictates that we are all born free to do whatever we choose for ourselves, provided we do not cause harm or loss to another's life, liberty or property, or their rights to life, liberty or property.
England, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain is a common law jurisdiction and provides the people with National Sovereignty. The English parliament has no lawful authority ever to breach, surrender land or transfer, even temporarily, the sovereignty of the people except when conquered in open warfare.
No man/woman (neither monarch, nor prime minister, nor any prelate, politician, judge or public servant) is above the common laws and customs of the English constitution.
The 1559 Act of Supremacy is a constitutionally arranged Act and stands un-repealed to this day. The Act includes the clause: “No foreign prince, person, prelate state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm”.
Treason at common law is the offence of attempting to overthrow the lawful Governance of a state to which the offender owes allegiance; or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power (EU/UN) which is high treason, and still punishable by death (see exhibit D).
Sedition at common law is the offence of overt conduct such as speech and organisation that is deemed by lawful authority as tending toward insurrection against the constitutionally established order. Sedition includes the subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority.
Evidence pertaining to sedition and High Treason committed by English Prime Ministers since 1973.
The evidence presented in the Foreign and Commonwealth document 'FCO 30/1048 files, shows that the Heath Government of the 1970's was well aware that an essential loss of national sovereignty would occur within thirty years with the passing of the European Communities Bill, and knew that it would, in all likelihood, be rejected if brought to the people, which of course it was not. This in itself was an Act of Sedition at common law by the Heath administration.
The passage of the European Communities Act on the 1st January 1973 established the principle that European law would always prevail over English Common law in the event of a clash, thereby overthrowing the supremacy of the English constitution and was a criminal Act of High Treason at common law by the Heath administration.
The signing of the single European Act in 1986 reducing Britain's independent decision making powers further by extending majority voting in certain areas of policy making, was a criminal Act of Treason at common law by the Thatcher administration.
The signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, based on the original EEC Berlin document 1942, surrendering sovereign powers of the Queen in parliament to an unelected body in Europe, was an Act of Treason at common law by the Major administration.
The signing of the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997 increased the European Union’s powers for action at community level. This included further European integration in legislative, police, judicial, customs and security matters and strengthened Europol was an Act of Treason at common law by the Blair administration.
With the full knowledge of this Treason and to escape future prosecution, the Blair Government attempted to repeal the Treason legislation in section 36 of the 'Crime and Disorder Act 1998' also abolishing the death penalty for High Treason. This included the repealing of the Treasonable and Seditious Practices Act 1795. However, the crime of treason at common law still stands as common law has primacy and Tony Blair had no lawful authority to do so without an express mandate from the people. Although this action by Tony Blair provides evidence of his criminal intent, the said 1795 Act was not created by way of a constitutionally arranged monarch, and is therefore not a lawful Act of parliament, subsequently it is used within this Notice under duress of circumstances.
The signing of the Nice Treaty in 2001 and the E.U. Constitution in 2004 were further Acts of High Treason at common law by the Blair administration.
In an attempt to further protect themselves against criminal prosecution, the Blair Government removed the word 'sovereignty' from the oath of office (renamed “Attestation”) of constables in the police reform Act 2002 (section 83), and also modified the legislation to enable non British nationals to become police officers (section 82).
These are acts of both Sedition and Treason at common law by the Blair administration.
The signing of the Lisbon Treaty in 2008 surrendered further control of policy making, including that relating to immigration and borders, was an Act of Treason at common law by the Brown administration.
By surrendering further powers to the E.U. for direct taxation on the English people, and for allowing the EU to end the British rebate via further proposed treaties is evidence to prove that this was an Act of Treason at Common Law by the Cameron administration.
By misleading the English people into voting to remain within or without of the treasonously established European Union, under the guise of 'Brexit', which granted authority to article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, whilst also allowing British armed forces to be under the control of the European Union (PESCO), and whilst threatening to bring EU law (corpus juris) into English law, were blatant acts of High Treason at common law by the May Administration.
For allowing United Nations troops onto the streets of England whilst continuing to usurp and deny the English constitution, whilst creating “laws” (rules) which lock-down the people under false pretences for example Covid19 and seeking to create rules to test and inject the sovereign people against their will whilst furthering the goals of the UN's Agenda 21 – 2030, are despicable acts of high treason at common law by the Johnson administration.
The treasury department of the European Community has never allowed an independent audit by professional accountants of their books. One year of non- publication is a criminal offence. In fact, its financial accounts have been disapproved by the E.U's own court of auditors. This crime has already been reported to the UK Serious Fraud Office by former MP Ashley Mote. They are in possession of the evidence and have confirmed to him that the remittance of English taxpayer's funds into the hands of this criminal enterprise is, of course, a criminal offence.
Today English constitutional law demands that we ALL stand in lawful dissent in support of the barons petition, which was duly served upon the office of sovereign on the 7th of February 2001, and which was subsequently invoked as said on the 23rd March 2001. It is our lawful duty to continue to distress those who refuse to stand under the terms and conditions laid down under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 (the security clause), it's invocation, which was reported in the Daily Telegraph by Caroline Davis on the 24th March 2001 under the title “Peers Petition Queen on Europe”, can only be denied by seditious means.
The invocation of Article 61 still stands to this day as the lawful position of the English Isles and commonwealth. All of the evidence referred to herein is a matter of public record.
Furthermore, the fact that Magna Carta 1215 has NOT been repealed nor annulled, despite what the imposters within Westminster may say, is further evidenced by the following quotes.
Alistair MacDonald QC said in 2015 that:
“It is a terrible irony that, as we celebrate Magna Carta, it is being undermined by an executive which pays lip service to its principles. If the legacy of Magna Carta is to last another 800 years, it requires everyone with a sense of history and an understanding of the critical importance of the rule of law to our society to stand up and fight for it. The liberties conferred by this great document were hard won. We owe it to posterity to ensure that they are not lost in our time."
Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples (1956):
“Here is a law which is above the King and Parliament, and which even He and They must not and may not legally break. And in the event they or anyone else were to try to abrogate it, such attempt at abrogation shall have no force nor effect and can be safely ignored with no legal ill effect. In addition, in the event of successful attempts at abrogation of such liberties, customs, or rights, the King has commanded and do hereby compel any and all subjects to swear oath to join the barons to assail the properties and persons and families of those [. . . .] who had successfully completed such abrogation, including but not limited to that of the individual Members of Parliament who had voted in favour of any such successful attempts at abrogation. This reaffirmation of a supreme law and its expression in a general charter is the great work of Magna Carta; and this alone justifies the respect in which men have held it.”
We now AFFIRM that all of the information herein is correct and true to the best of our collective knowledge and personal experience and, that we the people have 'Lawful Excuse' and the lawful authority to make and enforce (if necessary) such demands on all public servants to act in accordance with our 1000 year old common laws and customs.
As of yet treason is an unproven claim because no court of law exists within the realm to hear the matter. Whilst the police continue to ignore the truth in law (evidenced facts), and continue to aid and abet high treason instead of serving and protecting the people as they should be, we the people are increasingly duty bound by law and conscience to put an end to this travesty "in any other way they can"
We would of course prefer to use reason, logic and the truth to defend the realm in a peaceful and lawful manner by bringing the guilty parties to justice within properly convened courts of law. All police officers today are acting outside of the law in outlawry and therefore have no protection under the law as a result, a perilous position indeed.
And so, appealing to you as reasonable sovereign beings one to another, we implore you to consider this grave situation confronting us all, as being in our shared interest to address. In this regard, we enclose herein, a number of case studies of serious breaches (currently unaddressed as active criminal enterprises), under the current system, which evidence the unsustainable parasitism outlined above. The technical details you may require a specialist to look over are available in the appendices, along with fully elaborated case studies.
There IS remedy available. But this will require the shift into the jurisdiction of our common law terrain. Police jobs would simultaneously become much easier. Clearly, the current system is driven by fraud and morally corrupt, this is supported by evidence, statements, letters and emails within our supporting content from Police Commissioners, MPs and Business owners alike.
Without Malice, vexation, frivolity or ill will, and on penalty of perjury.